Unfortunately, I can't really talk about the other great news. But just soas y'all aren't thinking I got an agent or something like that, I haven't even begun to submit WIP so hold your horses. My great news has to do with my other professional life. Can't really talk about it, but it does look like I'll have some time in the next few weeks to finish polishing up WIP and submitting it. Woot!
But the best news of all is that my CP and friend Erica just signed with an agent. I cannot express how thrilled and excited I am by this news. First of all, I LOVE LOVE LOVE her book Trevor and the Tooth Fairy. I read it in one night. Literally, I kept saying I had to go to bed and I could not for the life of me put it down. Erica totally knows how to ratchet tension and up consequences. I was constantly amazed how she could continually make life difficult for her characters. I have wanted to share this book far and wide, I know so many people who would love to read it and I can't wait until it sells so everyone can have as much fun reading it as I did. Second of all, Erica is a total inspiration. She's been writing for a while, studying the craft and writing about it, and this year she set a goal of getting an agent.
And boy did she go after that goal. She did her research, polished the letter, and sent it out. She approached it all like a pro, even muscling through setbacks. She has worked so hard to be where she is, and she so so so deserves it. Even though I had nothing to do with her getting to where she is, I'm still so proud.
So it's been a banner week! The next few weeks will be interesting, but I hope that in three weeks I can announce that WIP is officially done and out the door... this is a goal I definitely intend to keep!
How about y'all? What fun, great, exciting news do y'all have to share?
* seriously, you should click on that picture. It gets even worse when you can get a close up of my cat.
LOL, I totally dip into the Erica pot o'success. And when I land my own agent, I'll be sharing the props with her. What can I say? In this up-and-down biz, we HAVE to take credit for the things we do. So Carrie, if you had even ONE iota of anything to do with making TATTF great--get your cp's worth!
And I totally know you did ;-)
PS adorable picture. Your cat is a whore.
Oh Lacey - you totally crack me up!! I wish I had more to do with making TATTF great, but I must admit that I got so caught up in reading it like a reader that I generally just forgot to make any comments at all! Oops!
I can't wait until I get to congratulate you on your success :)
Hi Carrie! Congratulations on the-news-that-shall-not-be-named! And thanks so much for being such a supportive friend through all my ups and downs--it means a lot to me! =)
OMG, your cats are adorable! Great shot! I have so many of my cat in the same position! LOL
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