Thursday, September 03, 2009

RAMPANT winners!!

Hey Y'all!!  Sorry for the delay in announcing the winners, I had to get copy edits finished and there were so many entries that it took multiple days to write all the entires down and draw a winner!  Without further ado, the winners are.....

Yay!  Email me at and let me know where to send the books and how you'd like Diana to personalize them!  And everyone else, thanks so much for entering and sharing your team preferences!  For those of you who are still on the fence, there's now a third option:

Yes, that's right, the ZOMBICORN!  I totally need to find out how to get this as a poster for my office wall.  Seriously?  Who DOESN'T want a zombicorn on their wall?

I'll be holding another contest giveaway soon and promise to be more prepared to handle that one :)  Thanks again to everyone for entering!!


Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Congrats to the Rampant winners.
Thanks for sharing Carrie.
I have ordered FOREST from Book Depository.
(hopefully I will eventually get it signed someday).
Love and best wishes,

Wrighty said...

Congrats everyone! LOVE the Zombiecorn! That would be an awesome poster!

The Scarlet Tart said...

I don't know...that Zombicorn is creeping me out.

Tomara Armstrong said...

Kinda creeped out too...

Anonymous said...

I'm soooo excited! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Rampat winners!! Who wouldn't want a zombiecorn?! I read your book and I loved it! Love your blog as well!

Anonymous said...

ZOMG (Zombie Oh My God) Am so glad I bought The Forest of Hands and Teeth!! It was amazing (thus follows gushy rant) but what I most loved about it was the rich detail and build of the society in which Mary lives in. And her voice! (K, that sounds weird...) Your way of her way of describing things (that was much fun to type) I found really engaging. I hadn't actually read it in class today (English), and a friend picked it up and got to chapter three before I had to take it off her. She's not the type to devour (zombie word! *gasp*) books so I was pleased (though twitchy as I wanted it back) and devoured it myself. Brilliant book(and I loved the little insights eg. newspapers into our world before the Unconsecrated). Cannot wait for Dead-Tossed Waves and to meet Gabry!!!!
More exclamation marks!!!