The cover. Hands down, it was one of the things I was most nervous about. As an artist I have very annoyingly firm ideas of what is Pretty and what is Not, and I was terrified that I would get something that didn’t match the book. And then my editor said, “Okay, take a look, it’s not done yet, and you can tell us if you don’t like it . . . “ and it was drop. dead. gorgeous. Just like the book -- subtle, genre undertones, and just so artsy. I loved it. I’d never seen anything like it but it didn’t look entirely out of place, either.
Is there anything you can't write without?
Music. I have to have music on, or my brain won’t settle. It has to match the book, too, or I just sit in my chair and jive. There’s definitely writing music -- music that makes me settle down and deal with my plot -- and there’s Maggie music -- music that makes me get on my desk and rock. Obviously I am careful to only play the first while on deadline.
When stuck on a story which do you choose: write make-out scene or explode something?
Can I not do both? Honestly my default setting is angst. When in doubt, reveal some troubling and hopefully crippling element of a character’s past. That ought to get the juices flowing. And lead to either making out or things exploding.
Can you share a favorite line you've written either in this book or a WIP?
I'm sort of a fan of this description of James sleeping, from BALLAD:
James slept like he did everything else; totally intense, like it was a competition and he couldn’t let down his guard for a minute. His scribbled hands were pulled up to his face, his wrists turned to face each other in a sort of weird, beautiful knot. His knuckles were white.
Finally: pro fast zombie or anti fast zombies?
I am pro angst zombies. I don’t care if they go fast or if they go slow, just so long as they feel bad about it.
LOL great interview!
Awesome interview I just bought Shiver, actually. You know what an awesome interview question would be? How do you pronounce Stiefvater? I was showing off all my new books in a vlog and totally stumbled over her name and felt horrid.
The cover of Shiver is fabulous, so glad Maggie really liked her cover. :-D
Great interview!
I read an ARC awhile back, and really loved the story. It was somber, yet really strong. And the characters are great. Maggie, you've got 'love at first sight' down pat. :)
I'm anxiously awaiting the next book in the trilogy! :)
*grin* It's "Steve-otter", April.
And thank you Tabitha!
Angsty zombies. Oh man. That's why I heart Maggie!
Great interview, Maggie is the best and Shiver was hottt
Great interview! :-) I haven't had a chance to get SHIVER yet, but I plan to. :-D
I just started reading this last night! :D The funny thing is, I was commenting on how perfect the cover was. The book itself even looks cold when you take it's dust jacket off--brilliant!
Great post, thankyou
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