Hello all! First off, cause I've gotten this question a few times and haven't updated my website: there will be a sequel/companion to
The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Its title is The Dead-Tossed Waves and it comes out Spring 2010. There will also be a third book in the series out Spring 2011 but we don't have a title for that book (or for the series) yet. If you have title ideas for either the book or series, leave them in the comments!
So what do you do after a long gorgeous day filled with good news and champagne? Paint your nails metallic pink! It's funny, I'm not a nail painter. Really, if I do anything it's to buff my nails because paint just doesn't last for me. Plus, I like my nails super short for typing and that can make them look odd (read: short and stubby) when painted. But more and more recently I've come the conclusion that since I don't have to go to court, or wear a suit, or really care at all about what I wear/look like, I can take more fun risks. And since I sit at my computer all day and stare at my hands, I figured pink would make me happy.
I know, painting nails metallic pink really isn't that much of a risk. So sue me - I like to start slow. Next up, I keep wanting to die some kind of crazy color streaks in my hair. Any color suggestions? Yes Mom, I'm hitting my punk rebellion stage about 15 years too late...
I also just found this super cool widget on the
Teens@Random page for reading an excerpt of my book! You can find a larger version by clicking on the "browse and search" image of the book
Love the metallic pink! I'm not much of a nail painter either. It just doesn't last long enough for me then they get all chipped and not so pretty looking. Personally I've always wanted a purple streak in my hair or the underneath layer of my hair to be pink. :)
Ooh - a THIRD book! Didn't know about that one. Very exciting. How about Creepy Cremated Cretins for a title? ;)
Finished reading FofH&F in one day. It was a great read. I'm excited to hear that there's going to be two more books.
Loved The Forest of Hands and Teeth! So glad to know that there will be more. Not sure about a title for you though.
Reviewed Forest on my blog.
The book The Forest Of Hands And Teeth is a very good book.
I guess 'The Forest Of Hands And Teeth' or 'The Unconsecrated' could be a name of the series.
Well, it really depends on what is going on in the third book to actually be able to give it a proper title in your opinion or others.
I usually paint my nails a rich blood red, makes me think of heather from speak, makes me laugh.
Anyhow, i finished your book a couple minutes ago. I thought it was great, but now I'm afraid to go back to sleep since it's like 4 in the morning . . . I afraid that Travis is going to come back to life and turn me in one. then again, i guess it would be okay.
I'm very exited for the next other two books; though, after that i don't think i'll ever sleep again. (I'm a sissy)
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