Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Giveaway: The Forest of Hands and Teeth!

So when I got home from meeting George Romero on Friday, guess what I found? Boxes of my book! Hooray! It reminded me of that scene from the end of Back to the Future when George McFly gets a box of his debut SciFi novel (which Biff carries in). Except my box was much smaller - lol.

Anyway, in celebration of getting all these books I'd like to give some away! I'd hoped to come up with some clever way to decide how to pick winners, but since the book is coming out two weeks from today (!!) I decided it might just be easier to go with the old standby: leave a comment on this post in my blog or LJ for a chance to win. Link back to the contest for an extra entry. I'll choose winners Weds at midnight!

Also, Arya Darcy interviewed me on her blog (interview here).  She has a great blog that I highly recommend -- tons of author interviews that I've loved reading!

It's still hard to believe that The Forest of Hands and Teeth comes out in two weeks (or could already be out in some places since I guess the books are shipping!).  On the one hand, it's just crazy to think that years of planning, thinking, day-dreaming comes down to this.  To right now.

But that's kind of dramatic.  And on the other hand, I tend to think of time as a relative thing.  So I don't think of the release date being two weeks away but rather in relation to other things going on.  And before the release I have a party at JP's firm to go to, a house to clean for guests, a Ben Folds concert, a trip to Ireland.  So in my head, the release seems MILES away!  Which might explain why I'm feeling a little behind in the planning-launch activities arena (which, anything in particular y'all would like to see around launch time?)

Then there are moments when I'll catch myself and realize that this is really happening.  The books are sitting on my dining room table.  People will be reading them.  This book that I wrote for JP, that I thought would never sell is coming out soon.  Wow.  


Sage Ravenwood said...

Hi Carrie,

I can't imagine the thrill it must of been to see those books awaiting you after all the hard work. I can't imagine being a writer even (although several of my friends and reader of my blog think my life makes a story in itself *raises eyebrow). I'm truly thrilled for you. However I'm not beyond asking (begging) to be entered for one of your books. I love the whole concept behind "The Forest of Hands and Teeth". I had an upbringing of not so sheltered religious dementia (thankfully not my own) and can relate to feeling trapped within a community.

Thanks for letting me go on and on here. Truly I'm delighted for you! (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's just two weeks away!! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I blogged about the contest!

Martha Flynn said...

What is the thing on top of the boxes? It looks like a calender?? Two weeks to go - squee!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally, a contest for THE FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH! I've been looking forward to this one.

I blogged about it here: http://ravelda.livejournal.com/325293.html.

Unknown said...

*waves hand in the air*

Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! I WANT THIS BOOK SO MUCH!

(and I'm linking this to my blog)

prophecygirl said...

It must be amazing to have a book published! I can't wait to read this one :)

- Jenny

Lenore Appelhans said...


Samantha Elliott said...

Carrie, do you know which stores will be carrying your book? Do they tell you that kind of information? I'm really trying to support bookstores in favor of Amazon (trying to do my part for the industry).

Anyway, CONGRATS! I can't imagine how excited I'll be.

Angela Ackerman said...

So happy for you, Carrie! I can't wait to read this book!

Anonymous said...

*really really REALLY wants a copy of this book*

*gives major Bambi eyes*

Anonymous said...

P.S. I linked back to my blog here: http://kristin-briana.livejournal.com

And congrats on the book! So exciting!

Anonymous said...

ohhhh!! I'm so jeaouls!!! I can't wait until the day I have my book on my door step! congrats! and I really do want a copy!!!!!!!!! I will definately blog about this :)

Anonymous said...

Those boxes look unbelievably exciting! Congrats on being so close to the launch date. Any chance you'll be doing any release activities in the Winston-Salem/Greensboro area?

donnas said...

Congrats! It must have been so exciting to see the box. I cant wait to read it.

Erika Powell said...

that must have been great to come home to!! How exciting! I would love, love, love a copy!

Erika Powell said...

oh and i blogged about it here

laughingwolf said...

hi carrie

grats on the upcoming launch of 'the forest of hands and teeth'

from the excerpt and aerin's review of your book, i knew i had to know the whole story, it's my kinda tale

blessings to you and yours

Anissa said...

Congratulations! Been a long-time lurker. Can't wait to read the book. :)

Sara Raasch said...

Ahh must have this book!!

Soo excited. Zombies. Fabulous.

Chris {frecklemama} said...


Steph Su said...

I wouldn't call those boxes small! But eeee, congrats on the almost-release of your book! I would very much like to read it and so I hope I win, hehe ^_^

I've linked to your contest in my sidebar on my blog. Thanks!

stephxsu at gmail dot com

Ello - Ellen Oh said...

I have been dying to read your book for so long! Ever since I read your agents awesome blog post about it. It has been killing me and now that it is so close I am very excited! Congrats to you!

Carrie Ryan said...

MF - on top of the calendars are the posters we got George Romero to sign for us :)

Samantha - as of right now I think my book will be carried in B&N, Borders, Target and Amazon. It's on the Kids IndieNext list so hopefully indie stores will be carrying it as well!

Jessica - I don't have any plans right now but being so close by I hope to set something up, even if a drive-by signing!

I'm so excited to see so many comments and entries, y'all - thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

*grabby hands gesture*

Me me me!! I'm dying to read this book.

boughtabook at gmail dot com

JenWriter said...

The launch is so close!

I'd love to be entered. Really looking forward to reading it!

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for this one for what feels like forever! Please enter me!

KR said...

Congrats!!! Please count me in!

deltay said...

That must be so exicting! And those boxes (even though they're just boxes) look wonderful, like they promise juicy secrets contained inside. :)

I'd love to win a copy, sounds like a marvelous read!


Anonymous said...

This is so exciting!! Thanks for the opportunity to win. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

I blogged about this wonderful contest here:

Unknown said...

I would love to win a copy of The Forest of Hands and Teeth! It looks wonderful.


Mel said...

Congratulations on your debut book! I would love to be entered in your contest.

m.r.morrill at gmail dot com

Reverie said...

I can't even fathom how exciting it must be. Good luck and can't wait to get my hands on your book. So excited!

thebluerose said...

I want this book so, SO much! Please, PLEASE pick me!

Renee Sweet said...

I can't believe it's only 2 weeks away already!! How exciting!

I'll cross post to my LJ.

Anonymous said...

Awesome, I can't wait to read it!

Melissa O. said...

How exciting! I'm looking forward to the release--congrats! :-)

Melissa O. said...

I also posted a blog about your giveaway :-)


Take care!

Amy said...

omg, i'd love to read this! it sounds like the kind of book i could really get into...

Becky said...

I'd love to be entered, thanks!


Anonymous said...

The book sounds wonderful. Please do count me in for the drawing! And congrats!

deltay said...

I've linked the contest here: http://lucidconspiracy.blogspot.com/

On my blog, right side bar, under CONTESTS :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'd love to be considered.

Stephanie.campisi AT gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Please count me in :) Thank you
Emily H

Jessie Oliveros said...

me too

Celeste said...

I would love a copy, and here's my linkage :) Enjoy the delicious wait until the big day!!


Anonymous said...

I want this book so bad.
-Alicia G

Katterley said...

Would love to be entered in your contest and will mention it on my blog! Congrats, Carrie!

Christina Farley said...

I can't wait until the book comes out. Sooooo exciting! Enter me!

Heather Zundel said...

Darn, I missed it. But here is a comment anyway. I am so excited for this book, you can't even believe. I didn't know it was coming out so soon!

Carrie said...

I can't wait for this book. Congrats on all the great reviews I've been reading.

Unknown said...

Im actually so excited for this book to come out. Ive been looking fr a decent sci-fi book to read because they're my favorite genre and I think Ive found a more than decent one. This one!

Carrie said...

I blogged and linked your contest on my blog.


Charlotte said...

I can't wait to read your book--please enter me.

Alicia said...

The cover is gorgeous! I cannot wait to read this book, it sounds great!

Please enter me :)

adw7984 at gmail dot com

Thao said...

Count me in please!

GreenBeanTeenQueen said...

How awesome-The Forest of Hands and Teeth is one of my Want it Wednesday picks this week! Congrats on the book-I can't wait to read it. And I'm super jealous about the Ben Folds concert-so not fair!! I pretty much lived on Ben Folds Five my freshman year of college.

Reyna Meinhardt said...

Wow, congratulations!!! It looks like an amazing book!

I would love to be entered, I made a post on it here: http://booksforteensreviews.blogspot.com/2009/02/waiting-on-wednesday.html

And my email is: countrystars95@yahoo.com

Thank you!

Christina said...

Hello, That is really amazing! And exciting for you!

I would love to be entered and I will link it to my blog which is located Here-


Thank You!

So Many Books, So Little Time said...

Your book sounds amazing. Please enter me!



Unknown said...

Sarah MacLean said good things about this book on her blog! I've been looking forward to reading it :D

You met George Romero?! You are a zombie goddess!

cecilia | cecpham(at)gmail.com

juiciliciousss reviews said...

so excited for your book!!! :)

linked it on my site (SIDEBAR): juiciliciousssreviews.blogspot.com


Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

You must be super excited about your book coming out soon! I know I am (= I'd love a chance to win a copy, if not I'll still be tracking one down.

mishtakes AT gmail DOT com

Willowe said...

Wow! That's so awesome that your book is coming out so soon. It looks like it'll be a great book. Can't wait to read it!

Oh, and I posted a link to the contest on my sidebar: http://readingsofateenagetree.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

I plan on buying a copy, anyway, as I've already promised JP :), but I'll enter. If I happen to win, I'll give it away to someone (and spread the zombie infection, muahahaha!).

Carrie, I seriously am salivating, waiting to read this! The excerpt totally whetted my interest. Very nicely done.

Bonita H said...

Only two weeks? Wow! It doesn't seem that long after the long journey of publication, does it?

@GeekWillow said...

Oooh! This book sounds so awesome and I've be anxiously awaiting contest with it.

*Crosses her fingers and hopes that she wins*

Yan said...

Congrats on your almost release! I'd LOVE to try and win a copy ;P

Anonymous said...

I'd like to be entered. I linked the contest in my sidebar. =)


Wrighty said...

How exciting Carrie! I love the photo of the boxes of books. That must be such an exciting moment to see all of those copies ready to go. I've heard such great things about your book and can't wait to read and review it myself. I'm also adding this contest to my blog. Thanks so much for the chance and best wishes. I'm sure you will have much success!


Rebecca Herman said...

How exciting that the release date is almost here!! My blog is pretty new but I'll put a link to your contest.

(don't enter me in the contest though, I just got a copy through Amazon Vine)

Rebecca Herman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Diana Dang said...

I've been dying to read your book every since I saw that awesome book trailer! I would love a chance to read it before it comes out!

I have linked it on the sidebar of my blog! <3

Marina said...

Please count me in the drawing! ~ :) WOuld love to read it! Thanks!

sounders68 [at] gmail.com

Unknown said...

I'd like to enter the giveaway.


Melinda said...

Please enter me. Can't wait to read this.

Bunny B said...

Sounds like a cool read! Count me in please!
bunnybx at gmail . com

Bunny B said...

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/bunnyb/status/1251418171
bunnybx at gmail . com

Hillary said...

Ohhhh I want this! I don't know if I can wait until it comes out.

Chioma said...

I want to win. Please Please Please!!! Pick me. This book has been on my wish lists for so long
I cant wait!!!

Katie said...

Congrats on being published!

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I've been looking forward to reading this book for a long time now :) Thanks for the chance to win.

The_Book_Queen said...

I'm anxious to read your book-- I've already heard many great things about it on other blogs! :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance


JC said...

I'd love to read the book!

I'll add a link to my blog too!




Anonymous said...

To be honest i dont know much about you as an author and maybe some other reader deserves a copy of The Forest of Hands and Teeth more than i do, but i can definitely say that im genuinely excited to read this book. The cover is so beautiful and haunting, and i would just melt if it could be mine.
:) Thanks for this opportunity!

jocelyn said...

Enter me, please! I've been wanting to read your book for ages.

sweetmelissa818 said...

But you didn't even get a Biff to bring in your box!!

Andrea said...

I'd love to win a copy and I blogged about the contest here:


Senfaye said...

Congraulations!!!!! I can't wait for this book! I blogged about the contest. Here is a link to my blog: http://amazeofbooks.blogspot.com/
Thanks For the contest!
-Senfaye :)

BN Book Blog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BN Book Blog said...

Stupid internet with blockers doing strange things like deleting comments(insert grumbling!). I'd love to be entered into the contest and can't wait to read the book.

bookgrobie@yahoo.com (just to be safe)

Missy said...

I wish I could write half as well as I read.. sounds like a great book!

Bridgett said...

I would love a copy of your new book. :)


Ambrosia @ The Purple Booker said...

I can not imagine how excited you are :) Congrats. I would love an Entry.

Anonymous said...

ohhhh!!! I hope I'm not too late! enter me please!

Grace L

Sheryl said...

Hoping I'm not too late... I'm really jonsing to read your book!

katayoun said...

oh, so lovely!!! and i would love to be entered.

C.R. Evers said...

Darn! I think I missed it.

I would love to have a copy to read and review for my blog to help celebrate the release. Well . . . if you have any extra copies for reviewers, please think of me! :0)


Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chioma said...

Enter me in please!!! Even if I dont win I am gonna go out and by it as soon as it hits the shleves!!!

Chioma said...

I forgot to say in the last post. I am a follower.
