Friday, October 17, 2008

Last day rambling

It's my last day of work! I feel like I have so much I want to blog about but at the same time, I feel a little scattered trying to finish up things at the day-job and prepare for the pre-pub tour. So please pardon the rambling :)

It's funny, I've known this day was coming for a while but it's still a little sad. I still don't really feel totally ready for it. I'm going to miss JP dropping me off for work in the mornings, I'm going to miss the view (the sunset is amazing). For the last year I've spent my days on the 46th floor looking out towards the mountains. I'm going to miss the zing of the high speed elevator, the quasi-free Uptown parking. I'm going to miss the people, meandering by offices to catch up, chatting with my secretary about her son and non-existent wedding plans. I'm going to miss the buzz of it all.

I remember when JP and I were talking about this possibility -- me quitting my day job to write full time. I remember him saying "you're going to miss your superwoman identity -- the woman who can work as a lawyer at one of the big firms in town and be an almost published author." He's right. And it was really interesting to think about how we define ourselves. I really do/did love being a lawyer and thinking of myself as one. But the reality is, I couldn't do both.

There's a part of me that finds it ironic that I'm still going to be paying off my student loans to Duke Law School even when I'm no longer practicing law. There's a small part of me that wonders "was it worth it to go to law school?" Unequivocally yes. Not only because I loved it and because I love talking and thinking about the law, but also because that's where I met JP.

And I wouldn't be where I am today without him. It's funny how life works out that way.


Ronald L. Smith said...

Congrats, Carrie, as you embark on this new path.

You're a full-time writer!!!

B.E. Sanderson said...

:hugs: It can be hard to walk away from everything to embark on this crazy thing we do. You'll do fine. And if you miss practicing law, get yourself a shingle and do a little private stuff on the side. Maybe do some lawyering for other writers? Be a different kind of superwoman. ;o)

Anonymous said...
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The Compulsive Reader said...

Congrats, and good luck! You'll do well!