Fabulous indeed! |
I've been a romance reader much of my life (from teens on). During the year before I went to law school I discovered Julia Quinn and devoured her entire backlist, falling in love with Regency. But once I started writing YA, I spent most of my time reading YA and hadn't picked up a romance novel, much less a Regency, in several years.
That changed when I picked up The Season by Sarah MacLean. I met Sarah as a fellow Deb in the 2009 Debutantes and The Season was everything I loved about romance novels. I stayed up late reading, I swooned and grinned and giggled and re-read passages just to experience the thrill over and over again.
As much as I love The Season, Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake tops it. I was lucky enough to read it on my computer and I was so in love it that when my mom told me it was time to go shopping, I lugged my computer along so I could read in the car. I could not put this book down.
Sarah MacLean reminded me why I loved reading romance novels. Her heroine Callie is someone that I just instantly wanted to succeed -- not just in love but in life. And her story isn't just about love, but about finding out who she is and what she wants. And the hero, Ralston.... yummy with his own issues to overcome.
In honor of this fantastic book, I'm giving away two autographed copies of Nine Rules. To win, leave a comment below for an entry. For extra entires, blog, tweet or facebook a link to this entry (another extra point for every time you use a copy of the cover when you blog, tweet or facebook). Remember to tell me in the comments if you linked and if you used the cover image! Contest ends Sunday at midnight!
Congrats on the release of such an amazing book, Sarah MacLean!
I'm normally just a YA reader myself, but I've heard so many amazing things about this I really want to read it!
Thanks for the contest!
kelseythebookscout at gmail dot com
Sounds great! I tweeted and put it up on my Facebook! Thanks!
I love romance novels so I'm definitely in for this one! If it's good enough for you Carrie, it's good enough for me! I've retweeted (@lynseynewton).
I have a weakness for romance and YA. It's a little known secret that there is nothing better than reading romance in a dark stormy night with a cup of chocolate and a blanket. I love the title of the book, it sounds like it has a lot of potentials. I wonder what those rules are?
Sounds Brilliant
THIS BOOK IS FABULOUS!!! Go buy it now! I was a lucky duck and got to read it a little early. It is SO GOOD.
oh my goodness, yes, *please!* :D
This sounds awesome!
Twittered: http://twitter.com/yabookaholics/status/11317345319
Thanks for this awesome contest! I tweeted: http://twitter.com/TeenageBkLvr/status/11317423068
Sidebar-ed: http://alexreadsbooks.blogspot.com
This sounds great!
Thank you!
Looking forward to reading this book! I just retweeted the contest
jaheberme AT gmail DOT com
Here is my post and my twitter:
I'd love to be entered :)
I too love romance novels. This one looks great. Thank you for introducing the author to us.
Tweeted here: http://twitter.com/IntenseWhisper/status/11319480045
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
I've heard nothing but good things about this book and I'm very excited to read it. Thanks for posting your review.
Wow. You sold me on it. Now I just got to read it. Would love to win it.
Retweeting @greenfairylv
I'm not normally a romance reader, but this one sounds good!
Ooh, this sounds exactly like what I'm in the mood for right now.
Oh, I'd love to be entered! Thanks!
I am SO looking forward to this book.
jpetroroy at gmail dot com
I also tweeted at https://twitter.com/jpetroroy/status/11325100380
Oh hey! I blogged this! Yay!
I'd love to read Nine Rules. Please count me in!
-Lisa B.
angel28140 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com
Yay! Fun! I love romances, too.
lchardesty at yahoo dot com
Will be tweeting: @lchardesty
Regency Romance! My first love, YA my second!
I tweeted
and Facebooked with cover art
Thanks so much for hosting this contest, Carrie! And thanks to all of you for entering! It makes me so happy to see that so many readers are interested in my little book! xoxoxox
I've heard so many people gushing over this book. I'm all curious about it!
Thanks for the contest!
neohippy10 hotmail
This sounds like a fun book! I'll look for it the next time I'm at the bookstore (unless I win it here first)! :)
I did tweet a link to this post (@cories).
Ok, I'll give romance a try. How can I not with this glowing recommendation!
catatonic-cutie at hotmail dot com
Lovely giveaway! I love the Regency era, so I've actually been curious about MacLean, but haven't gotten around to picking up anything of hers yet.
Blogged (with cover) here:http://meghan-rachelle.livejournal.com/120595.html
and here (again with cover): http://meg-reads.livejournal.com/19725.html
Heard so many good things about it.would love to try a new author ..thanks for the giveaway.
I love finding new authors...and who doesn't love a good romance? Please enter me! Thanks!
I love finding great new readers. Please enter me in your contest...who doesn't need a little romance in their lives?
Both tweeted (@clix) and facebooked... I tried putting the picture in both of them, but it doesn't look like it showed up in twitter. (Maybe I need to look at it in twitpic?)
I would to win this book!
kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com
i'm very excited for this book, too!
I would love to win this book! I haven't had a chance to read a good book in such a long time because school monopolizes my time. I'm also pretty much out of cash. =P
email: sana_malik24@hotmail.com
I would love this book.
Tweet: http://twitter.com/RaeReads/status/11495062744
It's on Facebook too: http://tinyurl.com/yhndyzu
Goodness. I have heard SO many fantastic reviews for this one! No shiz, when I this.
I would love to win one of the two copies. Thanks for the chance!
Love, Hannah
I would love to be entered!
I tweeted http://twitter.com/bangersis/status/11507250629
email bangersis(at)msn(dot)com
Aw, you're giving away a romance novel to commemorate your wedding? :) By the way, Best Wishes! And Congrats to JP! (Congrats are for the groom and best wishes are for the bride, or so I've been told)
I love reading, I started reading your book The Dead-Tossed Waves yesterday and finished a couple hours ago. Great ending, totally not who I expected her to end up with. I love romance books, this sounds amazing. I facebooked, tweeted, and blogged! facebook and blog with cover photo! tweeted under email xxdeansbabygirlxx(at)hotmail(dot)com. my website blog is at http://writingideasandstorystuff.webs.com/apps/blog/. I really think Im going to enjoy this book!
This sounds really interesting. Count me in, please!
Tweet: http://twitter.com/Sparima/status/11615298743
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