So yes, big check mark next to the "revisions" on my to-do list. In celebration I'm in Savannah at a writer's retreat and pretending to write while actually just hanging and talking. With big plans to read read read. Actually my big plans are to revise a short story. Yay more revisions!

Speaking of reading, I've been remiss in lauding from on high Sarah Rees Brennan's debut novel, The Demon's Lexicon. It came out on Tuesday and let me tell you: fantastic book. Sarah is brilliant at injecting humor in all the right places -- and good humor. She's also fantastic at creating really hot characters that you fall in love with and care about.
This is one of those books that you're totally going to fall in love with. I read it on the flight down to Curacao in January and the flight just flew by (haha). And Sarah herself is a totally awesome person and I couldn't be MORE thrilled that her book is finally out and I can proclaim its brilliance from the rooftops.
I keep hearing so many good things about this book. I need to get my hands on a copy asap to read!
I just got a copy the other day! I'm so excited to start reading it. :)
Hi Carrie - my children spent the whole weekend wandering aimlessly without food as my husband and I spent the whole weekend reading your book - I read it on Saturday and he read it on Sunday. Actually, I did toss them a bone occasionally. What an amazing story and your writing is wonderful. Thank you so much for bringing your story to the world and for letting us hear it through your beautiful words.
This is not really on the topic, though I totally loved The Demon's Lexicon too, but I thought I'd point out that your link on the sidebar back to your website is broken.
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