blog of Carrie Ryan, New York Times bestselling author of the Forest of Hands and Teeth series Friday, January 30, 2009Interview with Stacey Jay -- mmmm brainzzzz![]() About the book: Megan Berry's social life is so dead. Literally. Fifteen-year-old Megan Berry is a Zombie Settler by birth, which means she's part-time shrink to a bunch of dead people. All Megan wants is to be normal--and go to homecoming. But someone in school is using black magic to turn average, angsty Undead into flesh-eating Zombies, and it's looking like homecoming will turn out to be a very different kind of party--the bloody kind. About the author: Stacey Jay is a workaholic with three pen names, four kids, and a decidedly macabre sense of humor. She loves zombies, creepies, crawlies, blood, guts, gore, and of course, romance. "You are So Undead to Me", Stacey's debut paranormal Young Adult Romance featuring Zombie Settler, Megan Berry will be a January 22nd 2009 release from Razorbill books. The Interview: My blog is known as Carrie's Procrastinary Outlet which ![]() showcases my penchant for procrastination and making up words. First... do you ever struggle with procrastination and what do you do to (a) procrastinate and/or (b) not procrastinate. I don't like to call it procrastination, I call it internet research. Lol. Yes, I struggle. Daily. The internet is The Evil Time Suck. I try my best to avoid the lure of blogs--mommy blogs, writer blogs, blogs about cupcakes, I'll read just about everything--but it's hard. When it really comes time to buckle down and get things done, I have to turn off the internet. Or better yet, go someplace without Wifi access. Second, what are your favorite made up words? Scrimshank--something sketchy and potentially painful if handled improperly. My husband and I made this one up years ago and it's still a favorite. What's your favorite flavor or Dum Dum? (or alternatively, if you eschew Dum Dum's what's your favorite candy?) Cherry, but my four year old steals them all before I can get to them. Do you like playing board/card games? If so, which ones? "Candyland" is a daily occurance around my house. As is "Don't wake the Hulk", a new one my son got for Christmas that sends him into giddy, twitchy fits when the Hulk actually does wake up. VERY exciting stuff. If it could rain anything (cats, men, fish, frogs) what would you choose? Diapers. Those things are expensive! Or maybe beer. Can I say that on a young adult blog? Lightening round, choose one: PJ's when writing all day or actually getting dressed? PJ. No time for dressing. Law or Order? Order. Who cares about law as long as we're all getting along. Left or Right? Left. It's different, but still a hand. Thanks Stacey Jay!!
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To return to my website, click here.What Others are Saying!![]() The Dead and Empty WorldInfinity Ring![]() Out Now Foretold![]() Out Now! More About MeI used to be a lawyer who measured my time by 6 minute increments. For a few years, I was able to devote one or two of those increments to this blog a few times a week. In October 2007 sold my debut novel, THE FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH, to Delacorte Press (it came out March 10, 2009 and hit the New York Times bestselling list in 2010). In October 2008 I quit my lawyer job and now I'm a full-time writer. My second book, THE DEAD-TOSSED WAVES, is a companion to the first and came out March 9, 2010. The third in the series, THE DARK AND HOLLOW PLACES, released March 22, 2011. My first anthology, FORETOLD: 14 Tales of Prophecy and Prediction, will be out fall 2012 as well as my first middle grade novel, INFINITY RING: DIVIDE AND CONQUER, Book 2 of Scholastic's new multi-author/multi-platform series. I'm represented by Merrilee Heifetz at Writers House. My website is www.carrieryan.com. My other hauntsBlog Archive
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As someone who hails from the great state of Texas, I'd like to say that those zombie road signs made me almost choke on my coffee in amusement and pride. And they made me think of you and all the other hard-working zombie lovers out there!
I love the title and cover of this book. Can't wait to read it.
I'm asking our governor to change our road sign messages. I'm tired of reading boring old, "Road Icy Ahead." Give me a zombie or two to worry about, okay?
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