Hey Y'all!! I'm so ecstatic to finally be able to introduce you to my protagonist, Mary:
I couldn't be more excited about this cover -- I love the Forest in the background, I love the way her hair is blown out behind her, I love her expression, I love the font (rumor is both my name and the title will be glossy) and I love the colors. I'll admit, I wasn't expecting a person, and especially not a face, on my cover -- first, there just haven't been heads on YA covers recently and second, I don't describe Mary that much (and I don't think I ever describe her clothes which is another reason I'm uber impressed with this cover). So when I first opened the email I was like "Oh!" and then I was like "Oooooohhhhhh!!!!!" I just don't think they could have done a better job on this cover -- I'm totally in love :)
And yes, I've totally been staring at this cover all the time. I have a print out hung next to my desk at work and one propped on my bookcase (my future inlaws actually glued my cover to another book so that it looks like a real book and my dad had it framed!).
So, what do y'all think!?
Hi Carrie,
I'm courtney, from the Blueboards. I clicked your blog from over there and I'm glad I did because your cover is GORGEOUS! Absolutely breathtaking. I'm eagerly awaiting The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Can't wait to read it when it comes out!
Congrats on your engagement, and what a beautiful cover. I can't wait to see the book itself. :)
Awesome! That sort of looks like Summer Glau on the cover - and really, only one person I can think of would make a better cover model.
Why yes, I am refering to myself. :)
Thanks everyone and welcome! And Patrick, I'm expecting the cover mock any time now :) I was hoping it would be something difficult for you, but I think this one is pretty basic!
I love it! Can't wait to read the book!
Justine L.
The cover is amazing! I love the feel it gives it and can't wait until we can read it. :)
Oooh, Carrie! I love, love it! Congratulations! :)
Oh, Carrie! It's fantastic! I know I would pick it up, just based on the cover alone. Congrats on your good fortune.
It's so pretty! I can't wait to read it. :)
Hi Carrie, I've been a lurker a long time and have followed your Road to Publication posts. It must be so cool and overwhelming to actually see your book cover. How exciting. I can't wait to buy it when it comes out.
This is a beautiful cover! I love the look of the girl who is portraying your Mary. Can't wait to read it!
And if anyone ever asks if having a blog helps book sales, it does. Because I found you online, and I'll be in the bookstore buying this as soon as it comes out!
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