He's such a cute little hunter. And yes, we are those people who take pictures of their pets all the time. And yes, you, as my blog reader, will be subjected to those pictures.
But I tell you what, isn't this how we all feel on a lazy weekend afternoon?
What a Sam! Makes me want to tickle his belly! Mop had a similar pose, but on the bed. No fire yet, but she wishes...
What are the chances with that snake and that cat and my dream? So odd...
Your cat sppears to have made himself very very long. How do they do that? Is it the snake inside? Has he consumed all of his powers?
Ha! Diana you made me laugh (which was a good thing since I'd just gotten the rejection).
As Nancy can attest, Sam (my cat) can be quite long and at the same time I think his arms are too short for his body. So when he sits all of his fat just pools out around him. I mean, the cat looks like a massive tub o' fur when he sits.
Nancy - both cats LOVE the fire.
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