looks apocalyptic, eh? |
Hey y'all! I'm writing from my hotel room in NYC! My publicists are really spoiling me because this is my view (last night I sat on the window seat and talked to JP with the lights of the city -- it was really quite awesome!) It was my first time ever taking the train and while I'm very used to how planes work, the train was something new. Of course I ended up sitting backward but even that was okay because there was lots of space, great people watching, and a table for me to work (oh, also? the woman announcing the trains totally did the "AAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL aboard!" which was awesome!)
Yes, we got 2 double orders |
Once in NYC I trekked down to the Random House offices which always fill me with a special kind of glee. I wish I had a picture of my publicists Kelly and Jessica greeting me, but they had a sign with "New York Times Bestselling Author"on it in big red letters which was just hilarious and awesome. I got to hang out, sign some books, catch up, thank people in person and just absorb the wonderful feeling of being surrounded by books and people who love books. Then we all headed to dinner complete with table-side made guacamole and pomegranate margaritas -- totally awesome!
Brilliant Editor Krista |
Sneaky publicist Kelly snuck away when we ordered dessert to tell them about my hitting the NYT list and that it was also my editor Krista's birthday. So when the chocolate cupcake and churros came, one plate said Congratulations and the other said Happy Birthday! So fun! This is why I love working with all these women - they never miss a detail :)
Friday was lunch with my agent Jim who is always so much fun to hang out with. We grabbed sushi and caught up on everything which is just so nice to be able to do in person. Then I signed stock at the Union Square Barnes and Noble (where I spent so much time hanging out the summer JP worked in NYC and we lived nearby).
lunch on Thurs - pretty! |
Friday afternoon was back to the Random House office to meet more people and sign more books (I still get a total thrill out of signing books!). Then we headed off to Manhassett for the signing. This was one of those crowds that was so fun to talk to because they were really into it. One boy even said that he'd never been a reader before and his mom gave him
The Forest of Hands and Teeth and it turned him into a reader -- that he loves books because of The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Seriously, I almost broke into tears right then and there and gave both him and his mom a hug. Totally TOTALLY amazing.
Tomorrow I'm SUPER excited about the
event at Word in Brooklyn. Apparently it's listed as one of the six events to make Your Perfect Weekend in Time Out New York magazine - eep! They're serving zombie doughnuts at the event -- I can't wait to see what those are :)
zombies + paula abdul = perfect weekend. |
I also think we've added an event with the Chicago Public Library on Sunday -- when I get more info I'll be sure to post it! You can also follow
The Dead-Tossed Waves facebook page for the most current info.
Thanks to everyone who has come out (esp in the cold rain today!) and said hello in person and to everyone who's emailed or tweeted!!
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