Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Launch Party Pics!

Hey Y'all!  As promised today's post will have lots of pics care of the fantabulous Saundra Mitchell who definitely gets mega points from coming the farthest to the launch party.

The launch was scheduled to start at noon and on the way to set up I just happened to check my Amazon ranking (yes, I actually have an app on my iPhone that checks Amazon rankings) and for the first time dipped into three digits.  To me this was a good omen :)

So even as we were setting up, a few people started to drop by (including some fellow SCBWI Carolinas members which was totally awesome).  We hustled a bit to get everything put together and thankfully my dad and JP were there to get it all done because as noon drew nigh people began to roll in!

I can't tell you how much fun it was!  There was pretty much a steady stream of people for 2.5 hours and it was just very cool to see so many people I hadn't seen in such a long time.  Even my first grade teacher showed up!  I did learn that I'm not so good thinking up clever things to write/inscribe on the spot.  I need to go to more book signings to see what other people write!

At the end they asked me to sign the poster the publisher sent to the store which felt pretty cool :)  And then my sister pulled the two winning entires for the gift baskets, I signed the left over stock, finally got a chance to sample the mini cupcakes and we headed back up to my dad's house for a few zombies :)


Pave the Whales said...

Congrats! Great party. And great gift basket. I have a zombie devil duck in my shower...

Jessica Burkhart said...

Pics!! Yay! :) I especially love the pic of you, Saundra and Jackson. Pretty!

Patrick Alan said...

I think I have a new cover for you.

JenWriter said...

Yay! So glad it went well.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the release went well. The book looks spooky and amazing, I can't wait to read it.

Best of luck with future signings.


Anna said...

Congrats! Looks like a fun party! Can't wait to get my copy of the book -- it looks good, and I've only hears wonderful things about it. (:
