Sunday, April 01, 2007

April Fools!

Wow, tons of great comments about my last post - I love it! I definately already knew what I wanted to say next about series, sequals, etc., but now I'm forced to rethink a bit. So, as I do that I wanted to throw out another fun little topic...

Anyone out there have any good April Fools Day stories?

I tend to forget about the day. And the best I've ever done is pretty lame. You know, calling my mom to tell her I'm preggers or engaged when I'm not. Even I can't keep a ruse up for more than a couple of seconds. The Boy was reading an article about the top 100 pranks which was pretty cool. Apparenly some guy in Alaska set off a huge tire fire in the top of a dormant volcano so that the residents of the town nearby would think it was about to erupt. That's pretty ballsy. Google is getting people with their new paper archives ( - but you can't be logged in which is why I can't get a better link for you).

So I didn't do anything pranky today and don't really plan on it. I have to fly and I don't like to tempt Karma when I'm about to do something as unnatural as being hauled through the air with hundreds of strangers in a massive metal container with faux wings. Seriously, anyone else ever find themselves at 10,000 feet wondering how the hell these things work? That's where a good book comes in handy - great distraction (today I will be alternating between writing on the WIP on my new alphasmart and reading Fear No Evil by Allison Brennan... and maybe napping.)

So share those fun April Fools Day stories! I'll be back in a few days with more on series.


Patrick Alan said...

anyone else ever find themselves at 10,000 feet wondering how the hell these things work?

I love flying. I never worry about it. Even when I was sitting next to an jet engine mechanic who explained all the reasons why engines decrease in efficiency. Things like the amount of dirt and dust that collects in planes is into the hundreds of pounds, creating unaccounted weight which can shift in air, etc...

Fun Stuff!

Erica Ridley said...

I love flying, too. Or, at least, I don't hate flying, and I love going to places I wasn't at a few hours earlier. Basically I love travel.

I realize that in no way answers your question on April Fools pranks, and that's because AFAIK, I've never played one nor fallen for one. Maybe next year...

Carrie Ryan said...

I didn't mind flying as much either, until I had the same dream twice in a week that I was in an airplane crash, just before I had to fly for work. It's been a bit tense since then.

But then I realized that if I'm in a plane crash, if it's a big crash where everyone dies, it will suck for my family a whole lot more than it will suck for me. I know that's an odd way to approach it, but it gave me peace :)